landscape photography of grass field with windmills under orange sunset


Industrial Solutions

EnviroPak Industrial Solutions has been one of the foremost competitive companies in Pakistan which provides environmental & industrial monitoring solutions.

Environmental Monitoring Solutions

We provide state of the art environmental solutions such as Ambient Air Quality Monitoring System (AAQMS), Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS), Odor Monitoring System, Noise Monitoring System, Electromagnetic Field System, Water Quality Monitoring System, to portable analyzers and monitors.

Support Services

The support services we offer are based on sets of local and international standards, while following the company’s strict quality management guidelines. Our company is recognized with a strong view to provide clients with accurate and reliable services for top companies and regulatory institutions in Pakistan and other countries.

Support Services provided in Pakistan

  • Calibration of Environmental Monitors & Analyzers

  • Installation & Commissioning

  • Annual Maintenance Contracting

  • Rental of Environmental Monitors & Analyzers

Rental Equipment

EnviroPak provides rental equipment that is ready to use and of high quality. We offer a wide range of rental equipment for air monitoring, dust monitoring, noise level monitoring and light meter. In addition, we have partnered up with leading manufacturers all over the world to make sure that we supply our customers with the latest, most accurate technologies available on the market.