Odor Monitoring

Odor Monitoring is considered as one of the essential procedures in environmental monitoring since odors are one of the most common sources of air pollution complaints. The volatile chemical substances in the air we breathe stimulate the receptor cells in our olfactory system, the brain then interprets this stimulus as odor.

There are many sources of odor pollution, like handling of sewage, food waste and many organic and non-organic materials. These sources often cause emissions of odors into a facility or out into the environment.

The measurement by electronic nose combines different elements:

  • Continuous instrumental measurement in real time which does not depend on the availability of a panel

  • Measurement of odor concentration easily interpreted and correlated to sensory measurement

  • Measurement of odor coupled with physico-chemical analysis of specific compounds (H2S, NH3) and chemical groups (VOCs, mercaptans)

  • A continuous anticipation of the possible discomfort to residents thanks to integrated dispersion calculations

  • Pollutant Gases: H2S, NH3, Mercaptans, VOC

  • Quantification: Odor Unit E/m3

Odor monitoring is an effective way to reduce odor and emission levels significantly. In addition, odor monitoring is an increasingly important achievement for regulators and operators. Mal odors arise from certain activities; therefore, it is essential to know how it can be reduced and regulated.

EnviroPak collaborates with major manufacturers from all over the globe to provide the best and most accurate odor monitoring instrumentation for our clients. This is to make sure that our clients are satisfied with the products and services we provide.

Designed for industries and environmental agencies, the EnviroPak Odor Monitoring System is a solution for continuous monitoring of odors and gaseous pollutants.

Instrumentation & Systems Provided:
  • Automated Continuous Analysis of Odorous Sulphur Compounds: H2S, DMS, DMDS, VOC

  • Handheld Odor Meter: C2H6O, C3H6O, H2, H2S, CH4S, NH3, TVOC, …

  • Real Time H2S & NH3 Monitoring Station

  • Chromatotec VigiEnose

  • Chromatotec Chroma S

  • Chromatotec TRS Medor

  • Shinyei OMX